6 Signs You Need to See a Chiropractor

6 Signs You Need to See a Chiropractor

Chiropractic specialists are professionals that diagnose and treat mechanical disorders of the skeletal system, especially the spine. This has grown to be a common and widespread profession all over the world. This is because chiropractors suggest that these disorders could affect a person’s general health.

Chiropractic specialists use different techniques in their practice. Manual therapy is quite common, and involves manipulation of the spine, soft tissues and other joints. However, many specialists also include exercise and health counselling in their treatment package.

There are many reasons to see a chiropractor, and some of them are discussed below.

1. Frequent Headaches

There are many factors that could cause a headache. Dehydration, oxygen deprivation and malnutrition are significant examples. However, a misalignment in the neck or spine can also lead to headaches.

Consulting with chiropractic specialists will help you correct these misalignments, and this will help you get rid of your headaches, improve blood flow and ensure enough oxygen is supplied to your brain.

2. Muscle and Joint Aches

Muscular and joint pains are typically tied to problems with the alignment of the skeletal system. If ignored, such pains tend to get more intense over time, and the problem may take longer to rectify. Chiropractic specialists use techniques such as spinal manipulation to ease your joint and muscle aches.

These adjustments will help increase blood flow and improve nerve conductivity in the afflicted joints and muscles, thus making you feel much better.

3. Poor Posture

If your job demands you to spend long stretches of time seated, especially working on a computer, you are likely to develop poor posture. Poor posture may not seem like too big a deal, but it puts unwarranted pressure on your neck, upper back, and shoulders. This pressure can cause the discs and bones to shift in order to accommodate it, and this may cause bigger problems, like a slipped disk.

If you have poor posture, you ought to see how a chiropractor can help. They could prescribe you an ergonomic seat, or a standing desk, to ensure you don’t injure yourself while hunched over your keyboard.

4. Intense Back Pains

This is one of the most obvious signs that you need to be checked by chiropractic specialists. Back pains are caused by a host of factors. Your posture, the type of work you do and how long you stay on your feet each day are significant contributors.

A chiropractic specialist can help relieve this pain without having to take you through invasive surgeries and narcotic drugs.

5. Limited Limb Flexibility

If your legs and arms aren’t as flexible as they used to be, or if your neck won’t go as far in one direction as it would in the other, this is a sign that you ought to see a chiropractic doctor. Chiropractic specialists use techniques that realign your bones and joints, giving your limbs a wider range of motion, and easing whatever pains you may be experiencing.

Having full mobility and flexibility will help your body function painlessly and optimally.

6. If You are an Active Person

If you spend most of your leisure time working out, playing sports or doing any other intense physical activities, you ought to find the right chiropractor for your needs. This is because these activities subject your skeletal structure to more pressure and strain. This strain can lead to a misalignment in your spine, pinched nerves and slipped disks.

Chiropractic Care and a Happier, Healthier Life

Studies show that 77% of people that visited a chiropractor between 2017 and 2018 found the treatment very effective. Do you remember how it felt to tie your shoelaces without having to worry about back pains? Or to carry your grocery bag into your home without having to rub ointment on your shoulder?

Chiropractic care has been found to help improve the patient’s physical, mental and emotional health. When you’re not in pain, you’re more likely to deal with situations effectively and objectively. You’re also less likely to be grumpy, and this will go a long way in cementing your interpersonal relationships.

Well, what are you waiting for? Find the right chiropractor to help you get over your back, neck, joint and muscle pains.

Dr. Jennifer Dour

Dr. Dour is the founder of Garden State Spinal Care. A skilled adjuster with a friendly bedside manner, see why she can help you in your journey towards a life free of back pain.


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