Chiropractic Care For Headache

If you are suffering from headaches and migraines all the time, you will know how incapacitating and unpleasant they may be. Affected individuals may experience intense pain, nausea, and acute sensitivity to light, temperatures, smells, and noises for several hours or even days at a stretch.

While prescription and over-the-counter drugs offered by mainstream medicine can offer some relief from headaches, chiropractic therapy has been demonstrated to be a successful treatment for chronic headache sufferers. See how chiropractic care for headaches can help you here.

Causes of Headaches and Migraines

Although the exact reason for headaches and migraines occurring can’t be pinpointed to a single root cause, several factors seem to be involved, such as shifts in your brainstem, the region that connects your brain and your spinal cord; serotonin levels, which are important in controlling pain signals in your nervous system; environmental variables; as well as genetics and family history.

A few things can make headaches and migraines worse, including:

  • Food items like salty snacks and processed goods

  • Food additives like MSG and aspartame

  • Fasting or skipping meals

  • Alcohol, particularly wine, and caffeine-laden drinks

  • High levels of stress

  • Shifts in body clock, sleep deprivation, excessive sleep, or jet lag

  • Strenuous physical activity or over-exertion

  • Sensory stimuli like sun glares, bright lighting, loud noises, and strange smells

  • Shifts in weather or atmospheric pressure

  • Hormonal shifts in women

  • Drugs like vasodilators for blood vessels and contraceptive pills

How Headaches and Chiropractic Care Are Linked

Because of everyday pressures such as stress, physical labor, and chemical contaminants in our bodies, the spine frequently gets subluxated, meaning it has lost its correct alignment. Such subluxations not only cause muscular tension and spasming but also impair the nervous system's functioning and affect the overall balance and well-being of the body. Our nervous system governs and coordinates all bodily functions, so when there are disruptions, pressure develops.

Subluxations in the cervical spine and the neck have been associated with contributing to headaches and migraines. Therefore, chiropractic therapy consists of identifying and fixing these subluxations, or spinal misalignments.

Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches at Garden State Spinal Care

Garden State Spinal Care is equipped to diagnose spinal misalignments by palpation and imaging tests such as MRI scans, CT scans, and X-rays. Once the degree of subluxation has been determined, appropriate chiropractic adjustments to the neck and vertebrae are made.

Additionally, our nerves govern the tension in our vascular system, so adjustments work to decrease the aggravation of the nervous system from its roots in the vertebrae, thereby enhancing vascular flow.

Whenever your chiropractor performs an adjustment to release pressure on your nervous system, it enables the nervous system to continue functioning properly as it's designed to. Patients who receive chiropractic therapy usually report that their headaches and migraines are less intense, less common, and occasionally completely eliminated.

The best feature of chiropractic care is the fact that it's completely natural, non-intrusive, and does not require medicine. Patients also benefit from being free of over-the-counter and prescription drugs, as well as any of their associated side effects.

On top of these, chiropractic therapy may also incorporate lifestyle advice. Improving your dietary and fitness habits can assist you in preventing headaches and boost your general health in the years to come. Contact us today at (973) 705-7010 to get started.