Low Back Pain Care

Pain in the lower back plagues millions of people across the nation and ranks as one of the most commonly encountered issues among chiropractic patients. Garden State Spinal Care in Montclair, NJ has many years of expertise in treating lower back pain and assisting patients in living better, more pain-free lives. Find out how we can help you with low back pain care below.

Treating Lower Back Pain: Back Surgery Vs. Chiropractic Care

The two most prevalent treatments for lower back pains include back surgeries and chiropractic treatments.

There are several back surgery procedures available today, including fusion, discectomy, laminectomies, and kyphoplasty surgeries. The issue with back surgery procedures is that the treatments usually fail and are often unwarranted. According to the US Public Health Care Policy & Research Patient Guide, back surgery was found to have been beneficial in only one out of every 100 cases of lower back pain.

Contrastingly, the Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center reports that 88% of people who underwent chiropractic therapy for their lower back pain stated it helped them a lot. Chiropractic therapy is the sole treatment that works to tackle and solve the fundamental cause of your lower back pain.

Chiropractic Lower Back Pain Treatment

Our chiropractors at Garden State Spinal Care employ a range of methods to address pains in your lower back. During your initial appointment, we will chat with you and perform a comprehensive examination to determine exactly what tissues in your body are impacted. The therapy you undergo is ultimately determined by your ailment, its severity, and which treatment will be most effective for you.

Chiropractic therapy for lower back pains begins with an examination of your spine using orthopedic testing, radiological tests, assessments of your range of motion, palpation, or MRI scans. We might also take X-rays to give us a more detailed view of your vertebrae.

The goal is to identify the underlying source of discomfort in order to fix it. The treatment that follows can include chiropractic neck adjustments, spine manipulations, and physical therapy.

Chiropractic therapy consists of a gentle, non-intrusive treatment referred to as adjustments that are conducted precisely at the location where your spinal column is misaligned and impaired. Chiropractors use spinal adjustments to restore the correct vertebral alignment and relieve nerve pressure.

Physical therapy seeks to strengthen the muscles of your lumbar spine via particular movements and increase your range of motion by stretching your lumbar spine muscles.

Garden State Spinal Care: Chiropractor in Montclair, NJ You Can Trust

Though it is not always possible to avoid lower back pains, you can take steps to alleviate it. At Garden State Spinal Care’s chiropractic office in Montclair, NJ, we specialize in treating individuals with lower back discomfort. We possess the niche skills and knowledge needed to tackle lower back pains at its root.

We address each patient's lower back pains in a holistic manner, which means we consider your specific needs and create the most effective treatment plan. Our team is always available to respond to your concerns and ensure that your chiropractic care is safe, cost-effective, and successful.