How Chiropractic Care Improves Your Range of Motion

How Chiropractic Care Improves Your Range of Motion

Mobility and flexibility issues are common reasons why people seek chiropractic care. And it’s important to understand how proper guidance can restore the body and enhance motion. So if you’re wondering how chiropractic care can improve your range of motion, check out this comprehensive guide.

What Is Range of Motion?

Range of motion (ROM) indicates how far you can move and stretch a specific part of your body. Typically, physicians measure ROM in degrees. Your range of motion closely relates to flexibility, which determines how far you can stretch without pain or discomfort. Generally, you may experience limited ROM following an injury or a medical problem. Proper care and medical guidance can help you regain your mobility.

The Importance of Range of Motion

Your body’s mobility depends on your range of motion. Restricted mobility can lead to stiff joints, discomfort, and overall body pains. This can affect your daily life, as limited flexibility often prevents common actions. Tasks such as bending down to tie your shoe, reaching for items on a shelf, or exercising can become challenging and painful. Therefore, ROM is a crucial part of everyday life. A limited range of motion can not only affect the joint in question, it can also injure the joint above or below that region. This is due to the compensation that the joint has to perform for the joint that has a limited range of motion.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Chiropractic care can improve your range of motion through adjustments, manipulations, and massages. A common reason why people experience limited ROM (other than injuries) is due to their body being out of natural alignment. And repetitive motions can cause wear and tear on joints, muscles, and other body parts.

Chiropractic care involves realigning the body and loosening up any painful areas. A chiropractor can restore ROM, improve flexibility, and increase circulation. This is beneficial for people who are experiencing discomfort or who want to improve their overall quality of life.

You don’t have to suffer from pain and discomfort when there are ways to improve your body! If you’re searching for a chiropractor in Clifton, NJ, consider Garden State Spinal Care. As the number one trusted chiropractic provider in the area, we ensure a personalized treatment that will help you. Start your care journey by calling our Clifton clinic at 973-275-8064 today!


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