What Is the Webster Technique and How Is It Beneficial During Pregnancy

What Is the Webster Technique and How Is It Beneficial During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can cause major stress to your body, including throwing your pelvic floor and uterus out of alignment due to the baby’s position. Throughout the pregnancy process, your posture is constantly changing. It’s important to understand what the Webster Technique is and how it’s beneficial during pregnancy in order to maintain good posture and bone health.

An Introduction to the Webster Technique

What is the Webster Technique? The Webster Technique helps to find any imbalances in the bones and correct any misplacements. This technique is great for people who have tension in their muscles and lower back.

Tension in the muscles and bones can be caused by pregnancy, sitting for too long, and any other activity that strains the muscles or bones. Chiropractors are specially trained and authorized to provide these adjustments to your bones.

What Happens To Your Body During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful part of life: creating and giving life to another being. However, it doesn’t always feel that way.

Sometimes, it feels like your baby is using your body as a personal trampoline! When our bodies take on that additional stress, our bones can easily shift around and put pressure in places that shouldn’t feel that pressure.

When the baby enters a certain position, your body releases a hormone called relaxin to help the necessary muscles and ligaments to stretch and prepare for birth. Due to this, the pelvis may dislocate, preventing the baby from turning properly.

Unnecessary pressure in certain parts of the body affects posture, back health, and long-term bone health. This is where the Webster Technique comes in.

How the Webster Technique Can Benefit You

The Webster Technique is one of many activities a woman can do to prepare for the birth of her child. The size of the tummy can pull a woman’s posture down, and a chiropractor can adjust her pelvic floor to be more even, preventing future pain.

Using the Webster Technique, a chiropractor can alleviate the tension in the pelvis, making for a smoother birth process.

Visiting a chiropractor may be beneficial for you and your baby’s health. Make sure to do your research when looking for a practitioner. There are many certified chiropractors located in the Nutley, NJ area who can help you adjust and correct your bone placement.

Utilizing the Webster Technique and understanding how it is beneficial during pregnancy can help prevent back issues in the future. Find a chiropractor near you today!


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