Which Types of Pain Do Chiropractors Treat?

Chiropractors Treat

Don’t deal with body aches and pains alone when a professional can help. If you’re wondering which types of pain chiropractors treat, read this insightful guide. Don’t forget to schedule a treatment soon!

What Chiropractors Do

Chiropractors treat conditions that affect the nervous and musculoskeletal system. They perform adjustments that manipulate joints and muscles to relieve pain and discomfort. In particular, professionals do spinal manipulations that correct the body’s alignment.

Think of chiropractors as doctors who treat muscle, joint, and bone dysfunctions. Typically, people seek care when they experience neck, lower back, and muscle pain. However, professionals treat discomfort from all places of the body including the hips, shoulders, jaw, head, and elbows.

Professionals improve bodies every day. Ultimately, the goal is to restore mobility and maintain joint stability.

The Holistic Approach to Chiropractic Care

Body pain and discomfort have different causes, and it’s a chiropractor’s responsibility to find the root of the problem. For example, lower back pain may indicate misalignment in your upper cervical spine. It’s hard to pinpoint that diagnosis without a professional’s help.

Here at Garden State Spinal Care, we treat the body holistically. The whole-body approach assesses various factors that contribute to pain. With the misalignment example, we diagnose problems and acknowledge influences. For instance, upper cervical misalignment can come from repetitive trauma like poor posture.

We use techniques like adjustments, massages, and therapy to heal the body from the inside out! We prioritize patient wellness and strive to improve quality of life.

Conditions That Chiropractors Treat

Achiness and discomfort from conditions are the types of pain chiropractors treat. For example, sprains are overstretched ligaments, and they’re painful. Professionals perform techniques that realign the joints and minimize burning, tingling, and throbbing sensations.

For further insight, here are some conditions that chiropractors help treat:

  • Sciatica

  • Whiplash

  • Back sprains and strains

  • Spinal osteoarthritis

Treat your pain with Garden State Spinal Care. If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Clifton, NJ, we’re the place for you. With certified leaders and personalized treatments, we offer the best care. Schedule an appointment today!


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