Dr. Jennifer Dour Dr. Jennifer Dour

Why Your Prenatal Care Should Include Chiropractic Treatment

Expectant mothers are required to focus on their health and well-being during their pregnancies. Abstaining from certain foods and taking new vitamins is typically par for the course, as these changes can promote better health for both parent and baby. But many pregnant women don't realize that they can have an easier

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Dr. Jennifer Dour Dr. Jennifer Dour

6 Signs You Need to See a Chiropractor

Chiropractic specialists use different techniques in their practice. Manual therapy is quite common, and involves manipulation of the spine, soft tissues and other joints. However, many specialists also include exercise and health counselling in their treatment package.

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Dr. Jennifer Dour Dr. Jennifer Dour

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Infants

With all of the benefits of prenatal chiropractic care, new mothers should be aware that postnatal chiropractic care also has a lot of benefits. In the article below you will find the top three benefits of chiropractic care for infants.

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Dr. Jennifer Dour Dr. Jennifer Dour

Why You Should Visit a Chiropractor Today

One half of working Americans complain of back problems. Additionally, back pain is second only to respiratory infections for missed work and doctor visits each year. Think about some of the reasons you should visit a chiropractor.

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Dr. Jennifer Dour Dr. Jennifer Dour

Can a Chiropractor Help With TMJ Pain?

Do you wonder if a chiropractor can help with TMJ pain? Find out if a chiropractor is right for you and which treatments are best for your condition.

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Dr. Jennifer Dour Dr. Jennifer Dour

What Can You Do For Chiropractic Care of Back Pain?

Back pain can be debilitating and detrimental to one's daily life causing a reduction in physical mobility. In many cases, visiting a chiropractic specialist may be useful to help reduce work related pains.

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